Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pop a Box....

It seems that every day has it's own theme of which type of calls will come. Today must be ALS day. Just about every call the Medic unit has been on, the ALS provider has had to use some type of medication from the drug box. From chest pains to broken bones, it appears that the EMS gods have deemed it necessary to make sure that "The Park" ALS medics are ready. And of course, we laugh at these simple tests and pass with flying colors. Rest assured Citizens of Lynchburg, you have the highest trained and best equipped Paramedics there are available.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Busy, Busy...

You know it has been a busy day when it takes three times to write one blog entry. The Engine has been busy with EMS runs and running smoke scares and fire alarms. The Medic unit, those poor guys, have been gone pretty much all day, but they did get back just long enough to eat two hot meals. Things are lining up to be crazy for tonight, the normal shift people are not working, an Engine down for manpower reasons, and the weather is warm. I am sure my fellow blog brothers and sisters in Roanoke are experianceing the same mayhiem as we have today. Hopefully the madness has quieted down for the night, hopefully I didn't jinx myself. Oh well, We at "The Park" can handle any problem thrown at us. Until Monday or the big one, keep it to one alarm.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesdays Gone...

Another cold, rainy day here at "The Park". We got to work and did the usual chores and routine maintenance to keep the extreme machines rolling. The day has been a trying day for the Medic unit. The Real Medic 6 was back from having major work done so they had to go swap everything off the reserve and get the ole' girl back into shape to burn up the roads with another double digit day. The Engine has had a few EMS runs and another smells and bells call. And of course the 6 Engine was first in to our 2nd due's territory, because that's how we roll here at "The Park". But other than that it's been a quiet day. Until you see us in the big red engine in your rear view mirror, Good night.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Slow Day, Busy Night.

The day started out to be a slow day. The Medic unit was steady but the Engine was not busy at all. Then the night fell and the Engine had to pay it's dues for the quiet day. Within a three hour span the Engine ran 2 appliance fires and a structure fire. Two of the calls were in Engine 3's territory due to the fact the were out of service for the shift. The Medic unit broke it's curse of the ride-along by running all day and into the night. They had two EMS students that got there fill of EMS training. Usually when we have ride-alongs, they typically don't get any calls, but not today. Well I got to go and type up all this fire runs and I think I just saw the Easter Bunny hop by the window or at least I hope that who it was. Until next day, Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Another day at "The Park" and it is beginning to feel like Groundhog Day. Every once in awhile it seems that every dispatch is for the same call just a different address. Today is one of those days, it seems that it was Motor vehicle crash day. The Medic unit started the day out by running second due calls in another units territory, but that's nothing we can't handle and the Engine has been busy running MVCs and fire alarm calls. As night falls, I see that the full moon rises, that can't be a good sign given the recent history of craziness in Lynchburg. Hopefully tonight won't add to the mayhem. If we are busy, I'll keep you updated. Until then, keep it in the station.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday, Sunday.

Well another week has past and another week is beginning for "The Park". We started the day in typical fashion, checking the trucks and cleaning the station. We had to do a little crew change as two of our crew were attending the second day of PICO training. After they returned filled with new knowledge, it was time to eat and enjoy the beautiful weather. But as usual, there is no down time for Medic 6 and it was back to business. The Engine has been mostly quiet so far, just an active fuel leak which was soon controlled. The warm weather also mean our brothers in blue are getting busy too. We had a front row seat as Lynchburg's Finest quickly dispersed a fight across the street. Hopefully tempers have cooled and won't heat up later tonight with gunfire as it has in the past few months. As I knock on wood, I bid you Good Night and Stay Safe.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Showers

Well, I see April is once again living up to its motto. The morning brought us another rainy, dreary day. It also had seem to have brought us a wave of sick people. The Medic unit has been busy loading up the ER at Lynchburg General Hospital. Another double digit day for them, hopefully the rest of the night will bring some downtime. The Engine has been busy performing the daily duties of keeping the station in shape, cooking, cleaning and all the fix it items that needed tending. For a while this afternoon, the city got dumped as we had two possible structure fires come in about the same time, but the "The Park" was ready and they both turned out to be overheated appliances.
No Pictures for today as I didn't want to get my new camera wet. But Sunday promises to be Sunny (no pun intended) so hopefully I will get some exterior station shots, so that everyone can see the Historic Miller Park Fire Station. Until then we're just a 911 call away.